The U.S. Military’s Crisis of Imagination

The U.S. Military’s Crisis of Imagination

By Seth Cropsey & Douglas J. Feith, Hudson Institute

At the heart of national-security strategy is imagination. The strategist’s job is to dream up what enemies someday might do to harm us. But there’s a lot of history supporting the adage that generals forever prepare to fight the last war. After World War I, France fortified itself against a German invasion of the kind it had spent four years stalemating in the trenches. After Sept. 11, 2001, the new Transportation Security Administration focused on airport procedures to prevent a repeat of that attack. (more…)

ISIL and al-Qaeda booksellers are thriving in Erdoğan’s Turkey

ISIL and al-Qaeda booksellers are thriving in Erdoğan’s Turkey

By Abdullah Bozkurt

An al-Qaeda-linked bookstore owner in Istanbul who has been selling jihadist books to Turks continues to operate without many obstacles despite a clear pattern of radicalization among Turks who derive guidance from the poisonous literature, including a police officer who assassinated Russian Ambassador Andrei Karlov in Ankara in December 2016. (more…)