Greece has paid Germany €360 million in interest on the bailout loans since 2010 said the German Finance ministry in an answer to a parliamentary question from the far-left De Linke party.

They added that they expect less in the future, some €20 million a year. The reply from analysts in the ministry echoed the official line that there is no alternative to austerity.

The announcement comes as Germans approve the most about how the EU is run in a Europe wide Gallup poll, with 69% support.

Just under half of Europeans approve of Europe’s leadership – 49% with 39% disapproving. Cyprus and Greece were the least impressed.

Ireland was just two points behind Germany, at 67% indicating relief at exiting austerity programmes and the Irish were also the only nation to say they were better off than five years ago because of EU membership, 58% agreeing. Second was Luxembourg on 41% and Germany tied with Spain on 37%.

However, the key finding is in the support for membership of the EU, with substantial majorities in favour, even in nations where eurosceptic parties fared well in last years European parliament elections.